Sam the Slippery Salmon wanted to go see a movie with his friend Bonkey Bob the Bear. So Sam got out of bed and sliiiiiiiipped across his house over to his phone to give Bonkey Bob a call. At Bonkeys house, his phone rings like this “Bonk Bonk, Bonk Bonk.” Bonkey picked up the phone and said “Who is calling me?? I'm a very busy bonkey bear!” “It’s me, Sam the Slippery Salmon!” “Ohhhh Sam, Man! Nice to hear from you. What do you want?” “I wanted to see if you wanted to go to a movie with me” Sam said. “Oh Ok, but not if it is too Scary because I am very afraid of big hot dogs that wear purple hats.” “This is not a scary movie Bonkey,” said Sam, “this is a movie about an old man who likes to squish grapes in his toes” “Ok,” said Bonkey, “I will meet you at the movie theater in half an hour”
Sam the Slippery Salmon had to get ready for the movie so he put some pants on then left his house. He sliiiiiiipped down his street, and UH OH! His pants slipped off! All of his neighbors were outside and he was so embarrassed! But it’s ok because they weren’t his favorite pants. He kept sliiiiiipping and sliiiiiiiipping down to the movie theater, but when he got there, he couldn’t stop!! He was so slippery he just slipped right past the movie theater! Sam said “Oh No! Bonkey Bob is going to be upset because I’m going to miss the movie!” But he was just so slippery that he couldn't stop slipping. He sliiiipped up a hill, he sliiiiipped into a bush, and he sliiiipped all the way to his mom Sally’s house. His mom Sally the Salmon said “Hi Sam! Man where are your pants?!” he said “they slipped right off mama! I love you!” “I love you too Sam but gee whiz you’re so slippery.” Then Sam’s mom came up with an idea: she turned Sam around and slid him towards the pants store.
Sam slipped and he slipped, right past the red fire hydrant, right past the tall tree, and slipped right into the pants store. “Hello sir I would like to try on some pants” Sam said. And the pants store owner said “sorry, you’re way too slippery! Our pants would just slip right off of you!” “Oh ok, that’s alright” Sam said, “I have to go to a movie anyways. Can you please slip me towards the movie theater?” “Yeah, sure Sam! Man you’re slippery!” So the shop owner slipped him to the movie theater and he made it just in time for the movie. Bonkey Bob was already sitting down and said “Sam! Man you made it, I am very happy to see you.” “I am very happy to see you too Bonkey Bob, now be quiet and let's watch the movie.”
The End